Cleaning glassware is not always easy, especially polishing. Find out what we could find in grandma's dowry chest about the care of these products!
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Glassware is washed in water with baking soda or vinegar added. To make the glasses shine better, rinse them in cold salt water.
Dirty glassware can be washed well with fresh potato slices and soda water. You can also use crushed eggshells, coarse salt, sand, torn newspaper or fresh nettles.
Dull water carafes and bottles are cleaned by covering them with strips of newspaper and pouring cold water. After a day, the contents in the bottles are mixed, poured out and the bottles are rinsed well.
The oil bottle is cleaned by pouring sawdust into it. When the chips have absorbed the oil, rinse the bottle with strong soda liquid.
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The oil bottle can be easily washed with warm coffee grounds.
A dirty bottle or jar can be cleaned well with eggshells. If you pour a little water and rinse thoroughly, the glass becomes completely clean.
Crystal dishes are washed in lukewarm water with added borax or rubbing alcohol. When rinsing, add a little vinegar to the water. Wipe and polish with a soft linen towel. The crystal can also be cleaned with a cotton pad moistened in vodka or alcohol.
In order to prevent crystal vessels from losing their original clarity and becoming dull, it is not recommended to wash them in soapy or other alkaline liquids. Only water should be used for washing such dishes. You can add a little rubbing alcohol.
The most suitable water temperature for washing crystal dishes is 30 degrees Celsius. They may break in hotter water.
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Washing windows and mirrors with salt water makes them shiny and shiny. Windows washed with salt water do not freeze in winter.
The traces of flies on the mirror are cleaned with a cut onion, then washed with water.
In order not to stain the mirror with flies, it should be cleaned with a cut onion. Flies do not settle on a mirror cleaned in this way.
The mirror in the bathroom will not fog up if it is sprayed with the spray used to protect car windows from sweating.
Spectacle lenses and mirrors should not be washed with soap, as they begin to lose their optical properties after just a few washes.
To prevent the window glasses from freezing and fogging, they should be rubbed with a mixture of glycerin and turpentine (3:1).